Why do teeth break?

Although teeth are one of the strongest and most durable parts of the body, they can break in some cases. A broken tooth for any reason can sometimes cause excruciating pain as well as the risk of infection. Also, there is uncertainty about the future stability of these broken teeth. Teeth can break for a variety of reasons:

What are the causes of broken teeth?

  • A broken tooth can be caused by a traffic accident or other accident, a sports injury, or a fall. Eating bones, hard candies, or other hard foods can lead to tooth decay. In addition, biting on very small beech seeds such as dried chili peppers, guava beeches can also cause damage to teeth.
  • Tooth decay can also lead to tooth breakage.
  • Even using medicated toothpaste or the same toothpaste for a long time can cause cavities.
  • With age, especially after fifty years, many people begin to crack their teeth.
  • Sometimes a tooth is broken so that it is not noticeable. If the tooth is not decayed, if there is pain when biting, or a feeling of cold or heat, it should be understood that the tooth is broken or cracked. There are also differences in the type of tooth breakage.
  • Small cracks may appear on the enamel (hard outer covering) of the teeth. It does not cause pain and does not require treatment.
  • Part of a visible tooth above the gum line or part of a dental filling may break off. It doesn't hurt very much.
  • This crack can be visible from the very top of the tooth to the gum, or it can break off. With this destruction, the tooth usually becomes numb. And at the same time, the tooth can feel pain. In this case, the broken tooth can be saved through treatment.
  • A broken tooth below the gum line or a crack below the gum line does not clear up until it becomes infected. In this case, the broken part of the tooth should be removed.
  • Sometimes a tooth can break from the top of the gum to the bottom. In this case, you can leave part of the tooth without removing the entire tooth.

Broken teeth treatment:

  1. The crown method is the best way to fix a broken part of a tooth. Crowns made of metal, ceramic and porcelain restore the appearance, shape and color of teeth. And it's pretty long.
  2. The use of veneers or composite materials is the modern method of treating partially broken front teeth.
  3. Dental implants can be a modern and permanent solution when broken teeth cannot be saved.
  4. Pulp tissue infection can occur after a tooth fracture. The root canal is the best treatment for this type of treatment.
  5. If there is no pain in a broken tooth, filling is the best and safest procedure.

The most important thing is to immediately consult a doctor if a tooth is broken. Otherwise, the tongue or lip may be cut off from this broken part. Avoid chewing or biting with broken teeth. Cleanse your face with warm salt water.